Want to Write for DilSeBihari?

Welcome aboard! We appreciate your interest in writing for DilSeBihari on interesting and Bihar related topics. We are always on the lookout for new contributors but are selective in our choice of writers and only select those who meet our quality standards. If you have content on a topic that will be of interest to our customers, we would love to hear from you. However, if you don’t have content but want to write one on our approved topics, contact us at info@dilsebihari.com.

Please note we will not accept content on drug-related, gambling, or adult websites.

How to Submit a Guest Post?

After writing an article following the above guidelines, click on the Contact Us section or send an email to info@dilsebihari.com. After reviewing the content, we will inform you about the approval of the content.

Guidelines to Follow When Writing for DilSeBihari

We strive to provide valuable, innovative, and informative bihar-based content and job news to our readers. If you are interested in writing for our website, follow all the given guidelines before approaching us for guest posting.

  • You must provide unique content that will add value to readers. We use plagiarism checking tools to ensure the content is free from plagiarism.
  • Write for the categories mentioned above
  • Writers should use small paragraphs, and sentences should not contain more than 21 words.
  • All articles & blog posts must contain at least 800+ words. An article must be well-formatted & use proper headings and paragraphs.
  • Meta description should be mentioned below/above the article.
  • Spin or promotional content is not allowed
  • Write in active voice as much as possible.

    Contact Us

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